Tuesday, February 19, 2013

Little Spikes and Mayan Gold

I hope that title got your attention.  So here I am, sharing some new things I'm trying from seed this year.  The first one is called Spanish Flag, a vine that can grow up to 15 feet.

 And the lovely Tecoma, known as Mayan Gold.
 And the vigorous Hyacinth Bean
The unusual Ptilotus Joey

And a new, almost-black Sophistica  Blackberry petunia from seed.

My work in the greenhouse isn't too demanding this week.  I have brought home some spikes (dracenae) in little packs:
and promptly moved them into their bigger homes.  They had incredible root systems.
I also seeded the pansies, and the herbs, and a lot of odds and ends, including the trailing petunias for the hanging baskets.
On Friday I will be picking up started plants, the majority of which will be about 1,000,000 Million Bells , real names:  calibrachoa.

Thursday, February 14, 2013

Goji and Figs

We're hoping to get Goji berries this year.
And I've ordered a Fig tree, which I'm planning to grow in a pot outside in the summer and indoors in the winter.
The heater is on in the greenhouse and the water is up.  The soil is thawing, and I'm working on the planting sheets and today I will get all the new seeds ordered into their respective ziploc bags by planting dates.  I have also booked my first appointment for plant pickup.

Looks like we're in the groove for another season.  Next time I'll post some of the new things I'm trying this year.