Five days ago, when SIL came to put in a new furnace, hot water heater and AC. I picked off the slicing cucumbers. We like English Cucumbers and also regular slicing cucumbers. I picked 8 nice ones and a bucket of red tomatoes.
Two days later, I picked 31 cucumbers.
Today, three days later, a pailful again (see photo). Forgot to count.
Along with a huge zucchini (now where did THAT come from), a pail of lovely potatoes for supper , a pail of corn and another pail of ripe tomatoes.
For lunch we had Bruschetta and a huge Greek salad ( had 3 guests for lunch), for supper we had the potatoes, corn, and sliced cucumbers. And I gave some to the company to take home.
Life is good.
I find myself saying: "Now where did that come from?" a lot. Remember when I so proudly posted that my garden was all weeded (was that already almost a month ago?), well, tomorrow I have to weed it again or I won't be able to find things in the garden. I took one look at those weeds and said: "Now where did those come from, when I wasn't looking", I guess the same powers-that-be that are helping the veggies grow so profusely, also created the weeds. What's good for one is good for the other.
Life is good.
'Tis the Season..
2 months ago