Wednesday, August 22, 2012

How can you tell that these flowers are my favorite?

 This post will tell you.  I am sorry to say that I have no room for more new daylilies (Hemerocallis).  I love these flowers.  They grow under neglect, are relatively pest-free (unless a colony of ants takes a liking to one), most are not invasive (there are some that walk in the flower bed, but most just keep a tidy clump), and they can be divided any time of the year (although I try not to disturb them while blooming).  They are also good neighbors to most other plants.  I have them in sun and part shade, but haven't tried them in shade-something with that many flowers seems to want lots of  sunlight.                                                                       Flava--wonderfully scented flowers on tall, thin stems (that's the one above--formatting is also not a strength I possess).

 Frans Hals--when the flowers first open, the orange/yellow contrast is much stronger.
                                           Hyperion.  Huge flowers.
                                          Canadian Border Patrol
                                          Strawberry Candy

                                          Red Stella
                                          Summer Wine

I also have tons of Stella d'Oro, a white one with a center ring, and apricot double-flowered one, and a few others that have finished blooming.  Some I've had so long I forgot the names.  This incompetent photographer doesn't have the know-how to set the camera, so the subtle color differences are more obvious. The un-named red ones are all different, distinct shades.

I just realized that I don't have a pure white one, nor a mauve one.  Must check out the spring catalogue and do something about that.  Which weeds will have to die to make room for these?  quackgrass?  dandelions?  clover?

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