Monday, May 10, 2010

Open For Business

Things are hopping here.  We are open for business, the customers are pleased with our products.  Here are some glimpses of our offerings:  Above is a "Mosaic" geranium.  I think it is a sport off an orange geranium.  Every blossom is different in patterning.  Some have whole little flowerets that are all orange, some are blotchy.  One plant even has one flower in the mosaic pattern while another is solid orange.

A Sunset Shades Begonia.  There is a variety of coloration in this series.  All are basically yellow.  Some have orange picoteés, some rose, some are peachy-blushed.

Our tomato benches with lettuce in the foreground.
Purple Baron Millet
So I've  come this far, and Blogger isn't letting me upload any more pictures.  Will try again tomorrow.